Monday, July 29, 2019

NEB class 12 Result with Marks 2076

NEB Grade 12 Result 2019

The Grade 12 (XII) exam was held from Baisakh 15 to Baishakh 26, 2076 (April 28 to May 09, 2019) all over the country from 7 AM to 10 AM.
Generally, NEB used to publish the results of Class 12 - Science’ a month ahead earlier than those of ‘Class 12 - Management, Humanities, and Education’ but since 2075 B.S. the results of Class 12 examination are published in the same date for all subjects.
Previously the results of Grade 11 and Grade 12 examination used to be published in Percentage but from the past few years, NEB has introduced the letter grading system for Grade 11 and 12 Results.
The Grade XI and XII Result come out in the form of GPA (Grade Point Average), with the highest GPA being 4.00. The GPA is based on the percentage of each of the subjects (Average of Theory and Practical Marks).

Grading system of NEB Result

Grade and Marks Obtained
A+ =  90-100
A = 80-89
B+ = 70-79
B = 60-69
C+ = 50-59
C = 40-49
D+ = 30-39
D = 20-29
E = 0-19

How to Check NEB Class 12 Result 2076 with Grade ?

You can check your NEB class 12 result with marks in two ways
1. NEB class 12 result with marks in Internet
The Sites from where you can get your results are :

Type your symbol number (Example: 0010001Q or 0010001)) and Date of Birth (eg. 2046/01/30) in the input box above and click submit Your result will appear on the screen.

2. NEB class 12 Result with Marks via SMS ( Message)
  i. NEB Result via Sparrow SMS : Type NEB <space> Symbol-Number and send SMS to 35001


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